Measure the quantity of water drunk
Display real-time data in MyElixa app
Long last battery rechargeable wireless
MyElixa Water Band is a flexible smart device that measures the water you drink and incentivizes you to reach your daily water goal through a personalized system of lights and sound.
Don't buy a smart bottle - Make your bottle smart.

Do you know if you are drinking enough water?

MyElixa Hydration kit
Connect, Personalize, Start drinking!
1. Connect the base to the home network and create a profile
2. Personalize the sip and the types of notifications (sounds and lights)
3. Start to track the water intake
MyElixa Mobile App

Connect MyElixa Hydration Base downloding MyElixa app. This will allow you to display the daily water intake in a dashboard and personalize your notifications
Display the information of the quantity of water drunk
Get alerted if the water goal is not reached
Share the information with other people

75% of adults suffer chronic dehydration
75% of US adults suffer chronic dehydration and this problem is also experienced in slightly varying degrees in other European countries.
Despite the negative health and cognitive effects of dehydration, most adults go through their daily lives in this state, not getting enough water over the course of the day.
Why it is so important?
The devices are Wi-Fi for real time communication
Set up the devices easily from your phone
The devices are light and ergonomic
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